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Commander Deck Tech: Edward Kenway

Commander Deck Tech: Edward Kenway

Nat Almeida

In this article, let's explore the open seas with Edward Kenway and his fleet of Pirates and Vehicle...

decktech commander assassin'screed pirate

Classic Constructed Deck Tech: Ira, Scarlet Revenger - Ninja

Classic Constructed Deck Tech: Ira, Scarlet Revenger - Ninja

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll explore one of the most beloved Flesh and Blood heroes: Ira, more specific...

ira classic constructed flesh and blood

Standard Deck Tech: Miraidon Box - Sacramento Regional

Standard Deck Tech: Miraidon Box - Sacramento Regional

Rodrigo William

In this article, we'll go through Miraidon Box, the deck that Landen Kaetler used to win the Sacrame...

Pokémon TCG Standard Regional

Legacy: Jeskai Miracle - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Legacy: Jeskai Miracle - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide


The death of Control decks in Legacy is upon us. Yet again (as it has been countless times). But lo ...

Legacy deck tech miracle jeskai

Hearthstone Wild Deck Guide: Pirate Demon Hunter - Become a Legend!

Hearthstone Wild Deck Guide: Pirate Demon Hunter - Become a Legend!

Pedro Fernandes

This deck is one of Wild's crown jewels right now! In this article, we'll show you how to play Pirat...

pirate demon hunter wild hearthstone deck

Upgrading Commander Precon - Ahoy Mateys (Admiral Brass, Unsinkable)

Upgrading Commander Precon - Ahoy Mateys (Admiral Brass, Unsinkable)


In this article, we'll show an upgrade guide for the Lost Caverns of Ixalan precon deck - Ahoy, Mate...

upgrade edh commander ixalan

Pokemon TCG: Jirachi V Box Images and Information Revealed!

Pokemon TCG: Jirachi V Box Images and Information Revealed!

Rodolfo Nogueira

Finally the American edition of Jirachi V Box is revealed! Follow now all the news about this new Po...

pokemon tcg jirachi box novo

Eternal Deck Guide - Samira Seraphine: The Powerhouse in Eternal!

Eternal Deck Guide - Samira Seraphine: The Powerhouse in Eternal!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

The Eternal format is being dominated by one of the most consistent combo lists of all time, Samira ...

guide eternal competitive

Standard Deck Tech: Arceus VStar + Giratina VStar - Portland Regionals

Standard Deck Tech: Arceus VStar + Giratina VStar - Portland Regionals

Rodrigo William

Discover the deck of Canadian champion Landen Kaetler, who participated in the Portland Regional in ...

PokémonTCG Portland Champion

Standard Deck Guide: Samira Pantheon - Transforming an Archetype

Standard Deck Guide: Samira Pantheon - Transforming an Archetype

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, you'll learn how to play with one of the hardest, but also one of the most rewardin...

guide decktech standard

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Top 10 Best Staples with Kashtira and Superheavy Samurai metagame May/2023

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Top 10 Best Staples with Kashtira and Superheavy Samurai metagame May/2023

Marcos Sobral

In this article, I will present the 10 staples that, I believe, are the best for the post-Cyberstorm...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Staples May 2023

Standard Deck Tech: Miraidon ex - Electric Archetype & Metagame Competitor

Standard Deck Tech: Miraidon ex - Electric Archetype & Metagame Competitor

Rodrigo William

Get to know about Miraidon ex, one of the favorite decks in the current Metagame, due to its electri...

PokémonTCG Miraidon Electric

Deck Guide: Fizz Samira - Learn how to win and stop losing with this deck!

Deck Guide: Fizz Samira - Learn how to win and stop losing with this deck!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

Find out why Samira Fizz's win rate is so low, even though it is an extremely strong list. You'll le...

guide samira fizz lor deck guide

LoR Meta Analysis - Patch 4.3.0 Post Rotation

LoR Meta Analysis - Patch 4.3.0 Post Rotation

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the actual state of the first few days of Legends of Runeterra's Patc...

meta analysis lor samira

Sett, Samira and Jack: First impressions of the New Champions

Sett, Samira and Jack: First impressions of the New Champions

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

Glory in Navori brings three new champions: Sett, Samira and the new exclusive champion, Jack. All a...

lor set first impressions

Who are LoR's Next Champions Sett, Samira and Jack, the Winner?

Who are LoR's Next Champions Sett, Samira and Jack, the Winner?


Through a client leak, three new champions were just announced to come for Legends of Runeterra's ne...

news champions expansion

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Kashtira Deck Tech

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Kashtira Deck Tech

Marcos Sobral

Learn how to play with the main Yu-Gi-Oh deck in 2023, focused on banishing cards and blocking zones...

Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Kashtira

5 Games You Didn't Realize Were Inspired by Books

5 Games You Didn't Realize Were Inspired by Books

Cards Realm

In this article, explore the hidden literary connections behind popular games like "Bioshock," "The ...

games inspiration literature Witcher

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