In this article, we'll explore the best decks for the NOEX format, where you can't play Pokémon ex.
These lists performed really well in NOEX grassroot tournaments, so they're certainly the best options for you if you want to take part in these events.
These decks are also considered "budget-friendly" because they don't include any rare cards, so they're more accessible for free-to-play players that don't have many cards.
Togekiss & Cynthia

This list got 1st place at the "Torneio TD NOEX", which 123 players attended. "AussieMawile" took this list and won a total of 12 matches. They didn't lose a single match.
This list is perfect for the NOEX format because most meta decks in this format are Fighting decks - which are weak against Psychic Pokémon.
It is quite solid, despite including 2 Pokémon that need to evolve twice (which usually makes decks too slow). In this case, because these Pokémon don't need many energies to attack, and their attacks have incredibly strong effects, the overall setup is not that slow.
Flabébé is great in your active spot in the first few turns, as it makes the enemy Pokémon Asleep and significantly delays their game plan.
Notice that Togetic and Floette, the middle evolutions, deal 40 damage for just 1 energy, which is quite decent and also similar to what Farfetch'd (one of the best NOEX cards) does.
Togekiss and Florge, the final evolutions, both use two energies to attack and have incredibly strong effects. If you play Cynthia with Togekiss, you can deal up to 170 damage: it's more than enough to knock out any Pokémon in the format!
To make this deck even more consistent, this list plays Mythical Slab, which lets you get Psychic Pokémon from your deck. It's particularly important to get nonbasic Pokémon, as you can't get them with Poké Ball.
Lucario & Dugtrio - Vengeful

This list got 2nd place at Torneio TD NOEX. Koreon won 10 matches and lost 2 with it.
This might be the most popular and most optimized list in the format. Lucario is the king of the NOEX format, and most lists include it.
Fighting Pokémon are usually the "cheapest" in terms of setup. You only need one or two energies to attack with them.
This version also plays Dugtrio, which is already quite popular in the NOEX format because it is basically immortal there. You'll deal just a bit of damage with it at the end of the day, but, if you're lucky and hit your coin flips, it won't take any damage. So, it is one of the hardest Pokémon to deal with in this format.
Lucario is great with Dugtrio because its ability buffs all Fighting attacks by 20 damage. This way, Dugtrio can deal 60 damage, which makes this deck a lot more powerful.
If your Dugtrio is knocked out, you have Marshadow's attack to get revenge: it deals 100 damage if one of your allied Pokémon was knocked out on the previous turn. This deck is named "Vengeful" because of Marshadow's attack. With this archetype, you'll often not retreat your Pokémon and let your opponent knock it out just so you can deal more damage with Marshadow.
Magnezone & Hitmonlee

This list got 1st place at the "Copa Blaine NOEX" tournament, which 166 players attended. "Polkafiro01" won 9 matches and lost 2 with it.
Magnezone is currently the second-most popular strategy in this format. It is also one of the most relevant Pokémon in the entire game because it is incredibly consistent.
That's because of Magneton's ability, which lets you attach Electric energies to it. The idea is to leave it on your bench and attach energies to it with its ability, all while your frontline Pokémon absorbs enemy damage.
You don't need to bring Electric energies in your deck because Magneton creates them for you.
The list also includes Hitmonlee, which is one of the best setup Pokémon in the format. It can attack Pokémon on the enemy bench, and, as such, destroy the enemy strategy in just a few turns. This means that, if your opponent doesn't draw the cards they need and doesn't evolve their benched Pokémon, you can knock them out with Hitmonlee, as they won't have that much HP.
Hitmonchan is an alternative frontline Pokémon that also deals a lot of damage early on for just 1 energy. Because it has a lot of HP, it will absorb enemy damage while you attach energies to Magneton.
Skarmory & Magnezone

This list got 3rd place at the "Copa Blaine NOEX" tournament. "TerremotoTwitch" won 9 matches and only lost 1 with it.
This Magnezone list includes Skarmory, which is currently one of the best cards in the format.
The only problem with Skarmory is that Metal Pokémon are not that powerful and usually perform below average compared to other Pokémon types. This Pokémon basically carries the Metal type on its back in this format.
This list works just like Hitmonlee's, but the difference is that, if you equip a Pokémon tool on Skarmory, it will deal 50 damage to the enemy Pokémon, which is 20 points more than other versions of this archetype. It might not seem much, but, after some quick math, you'll realize Skarmory deals 100 damage in 2 turns, while Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan only deal 60 in that same amount of time.
Heatran is also an alternative win condition in this list. It deals 110 damage with 3 Metal energies. This is a considerable amount of damage, but you will only invest in this Pokémon if you can't draw Magnezone and Magneton.
Final Words
If you read this far, thank you! I hope you had fun and enjoyed reading this article.
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