On February 21st, 2025, the second official tournament of the year, as well as the first international tournament, the EUIC, was finally held in London. Many players took this opportunity to prepare themselves for the 2025 Pokémon World Championship.
Gabriel Fernandez once again stood out at this event, more specifically in the Senior category. He got first place and proved to us that we should keep a close eye on his Pokémon TCG journey.
The deck he used to win the entire tournament was Dragapult ex, which we reviewed recently. Back when it was released as a League Battle Deck, I even wrote a guide on how to upgrade it, so, if you'd like to invest in this list, check it out!
So, let's see how this deck actually works!
Gabriel Fernandez - Dragapult ex - 1st Place/Senior (EUIC - London, 2025)
Deck Structure
Dragapult ex's attack, Phantom Dive, is at the very center of this strategy. Besides dealing 200 damage directly, it lets you put 6 damage counters on your opponent's Benched Pokémon.
Please note that damage counters are different from sniper damage. This means that Pokémon with protective abilities, like Manaphy BRS 41, can't deal with them. The only Pokémon that can stop Dragapult ex TWM 130's spread damage is Rabsca TEF 24, which can be difficult to deal with.
Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex is an end-game card in this deck. Its ability discounts the costs of its attack according to how many Prize cards your opponent took.
So, if your opponent took 4 Prize cards, Blood Moon will only cost one colorless energy. If they took 5 Prize cards, it will be free!
Recursive Pokémon

►Budew PRE 4 sabotages your opponent by preventing them from using Items in the following turn - it's a "control" Pokémon.
►Klefki sv1 96's ability disables the abilities of all basic Pokémon in play as long as it is your active Pokémon.
►Munkidori TWM 95 lets you move 3 damage counters from your Pokémon to the opponent's Pokémon.
►Radiant Alakazam SIT 59 is even better than Munkidori, as it lets you move damage counters efficiently but doesn't force you to use Darkness energies.
►Fezandipiti ex SFA 38 draws three cards for you whenever one of your Pokémon is Knocked Out by the opponent.
►Lumineon V BRS 40 lets you get a Supporter from your deck and add it to your hand. You can also attach Forest Seal Stone SIT 156 to it and use its VStar Power.
Supporter to Filter Items and Tools

Supporter to Sabotage Your Opponent's Hand and Renew Your Own

Supporter to Filter Dragon Pokémon

Supporter to Pull Enemy Pokémon

Supporter to Get and Attach Energies

Supporter to Return Pokémon to Your Hand

Items to Get Pokémon

Item to Filter and Get Energies

Supporter to Recycle Pokémon and Basic Energies

Item to Pull Enemy Pokémon


With Defiance Vest sv4 162, you'll take 40 less damage if you're behind.
Rescue Board Tef 159 discounts retreat costs, and, if your Pokémon has 30 HP or less, it makes their retreat cost free.
You can only attach Forest Seal Stone SIT 156 on Pokémon V, but it lets you get any card from your deck and add it to your hand.

Lost City LOR 161 forces both players to put Knocked Out Pokémon in the Lost Zone instead of the discard pile. So, with it, neither of you will be able to recycle these Pokémon.
Temple of Sinnoh ASR 155 disables the effects of special energies. It turns them into simple colorless energies.

This ACE SPEC activates if one of your Pokémon was Knocked Out in the previous turn. Both players will have to shuffle their hands back into their decks, but you'll draw 5 cards while your opponent will draw only 2.
Pros and Cons
If your opponent doesn't play Rabsca TEF 24, they'll struggle against your spread damage.
Decks that use many basic or stage 1 Pokémon are vulnerable to Dragapult ex, and, because Dragapult ex is a Dragon Pokémon, it has no weakness. It also has 320 HP, so it is quite resilient.
This deck struggles against Pikachu ex SSP 57/Gravity Mountain SSP 177, Milotic ex/Feraligatr, Hydreigon ex SSP 119 (because of its mill strategies), and Raging Bolt ex TEF 123.
Final Words
If you get the League Battle Deck, you'll have everything you need to play professionally like Gabriel Fernandez. You'll also only have to make a few changes after the April 2025 comes along, as Radiant Alakazam SIT 59 and Lumineon V BRS 40 will rotate out of the format. Nonetheless, this deck will still be viable in Standard for up to two years.
What did you think of this list? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.
Thank you for reading, and see you next time!
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