Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
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In today's article, we review the current state of the Pauper Metagame and what its main archetypes ...
Pauper Metagame Review Tier List
Universes Beyond: Fallout brought us 4 new precon Commander decks. Today, we brought you a guide on ...
edh commander precon upgrade
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
This article is part of a series called "forgotten cards from a certain region, which you've probabl...
opinion shurima
Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, I bring you my first detailed review of the Standard metagame, discussing its ma...
Standard Metagame Competitive
Marcos Sobral
In this article, we'll show you the top 10 best link monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
Yu-Gi-Oh Link Top 10
Outlaws of Thunder Junction will have five different set symbols on the same product. Check out how ...
Notícia Guia Outlaws
Mark Rosewater, head Magic designer, published on his blog some texts, types and names of cards that...
Spoilers Teasers Outlaws
Today, we brought another article on the series of "5 forgotten cards" from each region - today we p...
highlight trivia lore
In today's article, we present the main decks in the Pioneer Metagame in 2024 and how they fit into ...
Pioneer Metagame 2024
Learn how to pilot Voiceless Voice, the best ritual deck in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, and the main counter to F...
Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Tech Voiceless Voice
In today's article, we dissect the new version of Boros Burn, ran by Benjamin Stark to achieve a 70%...
Pioneer Boros Burn Deck Guide
Pedro Braga
In today's article, let's take a look at the best commanders from the new set, Universes Beyond: Fal...
commander top 10 fallout
Lightning Helix is available in Pioneer and Explorer due to its reprint in MKM. In today's article, ...
Explorer Arena MTGA DeckTech
Rodolfo Nogueira
Ruff Ghanor was released less than a month ago and has already shown us it is one of the best deckbu...
jovem nerd ruff ghanor review
In today's article, we'll discuss Murders at Karlov Manor's Deadly Disguise, and how to upgrade it t...
decktech commander upgrade
In today's article, I present my first impressions of the March 11 Banned and Restricted update, whe...
Banlist Review Opinions
In this Monday's Banned and Restricted update, Wizards of the Coast decided to ban Violent Outburst ...
Notícia Banlist Modern
Today, we bring you a little bit of a challenge: top 5 most forgotten cards from a region - it's Dem...
highlight opinion lor