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Standard Deck Guide: Vayne Aatrox - The Most Complete of All Time!

Standard Deck Guide: Vayne Aatrox - The Most Complete of All Time!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

At the request of my competitive readers, I bring you a definitive guide on Vayne Aatrox, my favorit...

guide lor runeterra standard

Nasus on Standard: Tips and Main differences between the lists

Nasus on Standard: Tips and Main differences between the lists

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

There are currently 3 very similar Nasus decks in the meta. In this article we will talk about the m...


Runeterra Royale Week Recap - Standard Format (July 17th-20th)

Runeterra Royale Week Recap - Standard Format (July 17th-20th)

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, you'll have a full recap of this week's Standard Runeterra Royale tournaments, from...

guide review competitive

Runeterra Royale Week Recap - Standard Format

Runeterra Royale Week Recap - Standard Format

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, you'll have a full recap of this week's Standard Runeterra Royale tournaments, from...

news royale competitive

Standard Deck Guide: Gnar and Jhin - Bandle City's Yasuo

Standard Deck Guide: Gnar and Jhin - Bandle City's Yasuo

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll analyze the Jhin Gnar list, popularly nicknamed Bandle City Yasuo. This deck ...

guide competitive standard

8 New Decklists for  the Post-Ban Standard

8 New Decklists for the Post-Ban Standard

Pacto das Guildas

Standard has finally been the target of the Wizards' hammer and Fable of the Mirror-Breaker, Reckone...

Standard Metagame Decklists

Standard: The Winners & Losers of the new Banlist

Standard: The Winners & Losers of the new Banlist


In today's article, we evaluate which decks win and lose with Standard's new banlist update!

Banlist Standard Metagame

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Pure Paladin

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Pure Paladin


Understand the Pure Paladin deck and learn how to get the most out of your cards! With no nerfs sche...

Deck Guide Standard Pure Paladin

Standard Deck Guide - Aatrox, Vayne and Quinn: The Best of Demacia!

Standard Deck Guide - Aatrox, Vayne and Quinn: The Best of Demacia!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

The Aatrox Vayne and Quinn list dominated the meta in two back to back Runeterra Opens, and it has s...

guide standard deck tech

Standard Deck Guide: Samira Pantheon - Transforming an Archetype

Standard Deck Guide: Samira Pantheon - Transforming an Archetype

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, you'll learn how to play with one of the hardest, but also one of the most rewardin...

guide decktech standard

Magic's New Banlist Schedule: Pros, Cons & Possibilities

Magic's New Banlist Schedule: Pros, Cons & Possibilities


Wizards' new ban schedule for Magic: The Gathering is generally beneficial to players. However, it a...

Ban Magic Standard

MTG Standard Q&A: Ban System, Rotation, Challenger Decks and more!

MTG Standard Q&A: Ban System, Rotation, Challenger Decks and more!


Get all your questions about MTG Standard answered in this article! Learn more about the ban system,...

news standard q&a dev talk

Standard: Dimir Seedshark Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Standard: Dimir Seedshark Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Combining Chrome Host Seedshark and Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh with the most solid threats and answ...

Dimir Midrange Standard Deck Guide

Standard Deck Tech: Gardevoir ex & Drapion V

Standard Deck Tech: Gardevoir ex & Drapion V

Rodrigo William

Get to know a little more about one of the favorite decks of the current metagame, which has Gardevo...

PokémonTCG Standard

Standard Deck Tech: Tyranitar V + Lugia VStar

Standard Deck Tech: Tyranitar V + Lugia VStar

Rodrigo William

We have Lugia VStar as a Support Pokémon, and Tyranitar V has become an excellent attacker against P...

PokémonTCG Lugia Tyranitar Standard

Legends of Runeterra: All Rotated Cards from the new Standard format

Legends of Runeterra: All Rotated Cards from the new Standard format


All confirmed rotated cards, visualized.

news rotation lor

Spoiler Highlight: Archangel Elspeth in Standard

Spoiler Highlight: Archangel Elspeth in Standard


In today's article, we'll analyze the new Archangel Elspeth in the current Standard, and in which de...

Spoiler Review Elspeth Standard

Standard ONE: 5 Decks to play the Best of One

Standard ONE: 5 Decks to play the Best of One


In today's article, I present five Standard decks for you to explore in Magic Arena's Best of One!

Best of One Standard Metagame

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