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Expanded Deck Tech: Kanto Trio - 12 New Decklists with Set 151

Expanded Deck Tech: Kanto Trio - 12 New Decklists with Set 151

Rodrigo William

Check out 12 decklists for the Expanded format with the Kanto starter trio. There are 4 list example...

Kanto Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Expanded

Upgrading Commander Precon - Paradox Power (Thirteenth Doctor and Yasmin Khan)

Upgrading Commander Precon - Paradox Power (Thirteenth Doctor and Yasmin Khan)


In this article, we'll show a guide on how to upgrade the Universes Beyond: Doctor Who deck, Paradox...

doctor who commander edh

MTG and Secret Lair announce Lara Croft Tomb Raider cards!

MTG and Secret Lair announce Lara Croft Tomb Raider cards!

Rodolfo Nogueira

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider is a classic that debuted on the Playstation on November 14, 1996. Today, 27...

tombraider mtg secretlair laracroft

Commander Review: Best Lost Caverns of Ixalan Cards for EDH

Commander Review: Best Lost Caverns of Ixalan Cards for EDH


In this article, we'll show and analyze the best cards released in Lost Caverns of Ixalan for Comman...

card review commander ixalan review

Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Guide for Limited, Pre-Release and Draft

Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Guide for Limited, Pre-Release and Draft

Dereck Duque Estrada

In this article, we will discuss the mechanics, removals, mana fixers, and archetypes of the collect...

Limited Ixalan Pre-Release

LoR: Patch 4.11 Nerfs and Buffs Analysis - November 2023

LoR: Patch 4.11 Nerfs and Buffs Analysis - November 2023

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll analyze each change in Patch 4.11. We'll find out together what will be good ...

guide balancing patch eternal

Standard: Lost Caverns of Ixalan Review for the Format

Standard: Lost Caverns of Ixalan Review for the Format

Pacto das Guildas

The newest Standard set will be released on November 17th, and will bring us back to Ixalan, with ne...

Standard Ixalan Review

Flesh and Blood Analysis: Banned and Suspended Announcement (November 6th)

Flesh and Blood Analysis: Banned and Suspended Announcement (November 6th)

Rafael de Melo

A new update of banned and suspended cards is among us. Let's see how it impacted the meta for World...

ban Fab:LivingLegend Lexi

Scarlet & Violet: Paradox Rift - Top 10 Best Pokémon in the Set

Scarlet & Violet: Paradox Rift - Top 10 Best Pokémon in the Set

Rodrigo William

With the release of the new set, Scarlet & Violet: Paradox Rift, check out a list of some of the str...

PokémonTCG Standard Staples Paradox Rift

Upgrading Commander Precon - Master of Evil (Davros, Dalek Creator)

Upgrading Commander Precon - Master of Evil (Davros, Dalek Creator)


In today's article, we bring you a guide on how to upgrade the precon deck, Master of Evil, from Uni...

precon commander edh doctor who

Standard Deck Tech: Kecleon + Kabutops

Standard Deck Tech: Kecleon + Kabutops

Rodrigo William

Check out an update to Kecleon from Sword & Shield: Chilling Reign. The new special Scarlet & Violet...

TCG Standard Kecleon Kabutops 151 Upgrad

Thurn and Taxis Review: Build the Best Postal System in Central Europe

Thurn and Taxis Review: Build the Best Postal System in Central Europe

Cesar Cusin

Check out our review on Thurn and Taxis! In this game, you compete with other players to find out wh...

thurn and taxis board game

Spoiler Highlight: Allied Manlands in Standard & Pioneer

Spoiler Highlight: Allied Manlands in Standard & Pioneer


Lost Caverns of Ixalan closed a new cycle of manlands for Standard and Pioneer - the first of allied...

Manlands Pioneer Standard Review

Standard Deck Tech: Venomoth + Spidops ex - Retreat Cost Increase and Item Lock

Standard Deck Tech: Venomoth + Spidops ex - Retreat Cost Increase and Item Lock

Rodrigo William

Check out how Spidops ex became valuable with Venomoth's (from the 151 set) attack, which makes the ...

tcg Standard Control Item Lock Scarlet Vi

Card Shark's Guide: How to Play Your Hand in the World of Canadian Sports Betting Sites

Card Shark's Guide: How to Play Your Hand in the World of Canadian Sports Betting Sites

Cards Realm

Get ready to dive into the exciting world of Canadian sports betting! This comprehensive guide will ...

online game sports betting profit win guide

How to choose a reputable online casino: main secrets and lifehack

How to choose a reputable online casino: main secrets and lifehack

Cards Realm

Discover the secrets and life hacks to choose a reputable online casino. Learn how to navigate the v...

online casino safe enjoyable

Cards And Cocktails - A look at the history of casinos in the UK

Cards And Cocktails - A look at the history of casinos in the UK

Cards Realm

Since the 18th century, casinos have been popular with UK gamblers as a place to indulge their love ...

casino online love games history win

Understanding the Odds and Markets to Bet on eSports

Understanding the Odds and Markets to Bet on eSports

Cards Realm

Learn about odds, markets, and valuable tips for successful eSports betting. Explore different odds ...

online game esports odds betting markets

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