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Commander Deck Tech: Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher

Commander Deck Tech: Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher

Nat Almeida

Find out more about Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher, a powerful Vampire that dominates everyone and is read...

deckguide commander orzhov vampires

Commander Deck Tech: Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might

Commander Deck Tech: Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might

Pedro Braga

In this article, we'll unlock the power of Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might. We'll summon creatures that d...

commander decktech Ixalan

Upgrading Commander Precon - Timey-Wimey (The Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler)

Upgrading Commander Precon - Timey-Wimey (The Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler)

Pedro Braga

It's finally time to upgrade this fantastic deck. Allons-y! Let's discuss a totally Timey-Wimey deck...

commander upgrade decktech doctor who

Standard Deck Tech: Iron Valiant ex + Decidueye ex

Standard Deck Tech: Iron Valiant ex + Decidueye ex

Rodrigo William

Check out the Iron Valiant ex deck, from Paradox Rift. Decidueye ex comes with backup to provide sup...

Pokémon TCG Standard Paradox Rift

Commander Deck Tech - Me, the Immortal

Commander Deck Tech - Me, the Immortal

Nat Almeida

There is only one Me! Our deck tech focused on Me, the Immortal is available to help you bring the p...

commander decktech doctor who

FaB Analysis: Effects of the Banned and Restricted Announcement - December 18th

FaB Analysis: Effects of the Banned and Restricted Announcement - December 18th

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll analyze the effects of December's banned and restricted update, which prom...

banned FaB Blitz

Standard Deck Tech: Kingdra -Paradox Rift-

Standard Deck Tech: Kingdra -Paradox Rift-

Rodrigo William

Check out the Kindgra Paradox Rift deck, which can deal up to 360 damage if the top six discarded ca...

Pokémon TCG Water Type Kingdra

Standard Deck Tech: Klawf + Hisuian Electrode V - Special Conditions Damage

Standard Deck Tech: Klawf + Hisuian Electrode V - Special Conditions Damage

Rodrigo William

Check out this list with Klawf, a new card from Paradox Rift. It focuses on the mechanic of dealing ...

PokémonTCG Economical Deck Paradox Rift

Commander Deck Tech: Greta, Sweettooth Scourge

Commander Deck Tech: Greta, Sweettooth Scourge

Pedro Braga

Closing our activities in Eldraine, we present Greta, Sweettooth Scourge, a fun commander to be play...

commander decktech EDH

LoR: Which Elder Dragon Deck is the Best?

LoR: Which Elder Dragon Deck is the Best?

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss each list that brings the Elder Dragon, and analyze them to figure ou...

guide standard decks

Commander Deck Tech - Henry Wu, InGen Geneticist

Commander Deck Tech - Henry Wu, InGen Geneticist


In this Deck Tech, we bring an important character from Jurassic Park - Henry Wu, InGen Geneticist, ...

edh deck tech commander

Crazy Time Live - Overview of the Entertainment and its Features

Crazy Time Live - Overview of the Entertainment and its Features

Cards Realm

Dive into the dynamic world of Crazy Time live, a captivating fusion of classic online slots and a w...

casino online slots fortune wheel

The Fusion of Cards and Reels: Unveiling the Thrill of Real Money Slot Adventures

The Fusion of Cards and Reels: Unveiling the Thrill of Real Money Slot Adventures

Cards Realm

Discover the exhilarating world of real money slot adventures, where the fusion of cards and reels b...

online casino gambling win cards

Unlocking the Science: THC Vape Pens and Cognitive Impact on Learning

Unlocking the Science: THC Vape Pens and Cognitive Impact on Learning

Cards Realm

Discover the fascinating world of THC vape pens and their potential cognitive impact on learning. Ex...

THC dose CBD education motivation reward

Technological Shifts in Crypto Gambling in 2024: Blockchain Integration and Smart Contracts

Technological Shifts in Crypto Gambling in 2024: Blockchain Integration and Smart Contract...

Cards Realm

Explore the exciting advancements in crypto gambling as blockchain integration and smart contracts r...

game blockchain smart contracts bitcoin

Selling Counter-Strike 2 Skins in 2023: Pros and Cons

Selling Counter-Strike 2 Skins in 2023: Pros and Cons

Cards Realm

In this article, we explore the advantages and disadvantages of selling Counter-Strike 2 skins in 20...

online game CS2:GO skins selling profit

Understanding the Secrets of Valve Teams' Rankings

Understanding the Secrets of Valve Teams' Rankings

Cards Realm

Dive into the world of Valve teams' rankings and unravel the hidden strategies, teamwork dynamics, a...

game online CS2:GO ranking

Your Ultimate Handbook to Casino Gift Cards

Your Ultimate Handbook to Casino Gift Cards

Cards Realm

Unlock the secrets of casino gift cards with this guide. From the perfect present for gaming enthusi...

online casino gift cards handbook guide

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