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Pedro Fernandes
Check out the 4 best decks to get Legend after the release of Maw and Disorder, which changed the Me...
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Rodrigo William
We've listed a Top 10 Sword & Shield main expansions that are worth the investment before we dive in...
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With Black-Based Midranges dominating Best of Three, the option for other strategies is to look for ...
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Tony Lucas
With the arrival of equipment, Timelines decks have become popular, but which is the best list? We w...
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Felipe Torres
This article brings you the best 15 tutors in the cEDH Metagame currently, ranked by efficiency.
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In today's article, I evaluate the ten cards that I consider the most important in Dominaria United ...
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Pedro Braga
Dominaria United, brings us wonderful cards for the Modern format. In today's article, we list them...
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A selection of the best cards in Dominaria United for Competitive Commander and how they can impact ...
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In this Commander article, we talk about Magic's most popular archetype, Burn!
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Diego "Notorius"
Check out a list of the best staple cards right now to use and play Yu-Gi-Oh! at the highest level.
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Marcos Sobral
In this article, I present the 5 best decks for the format as of August 2022. Check out the details ...
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Since there is no magic bullet that will magically improve your study skills, there are things you c...
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