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Worldwalker: 10 decks to test out with the new Runeterra champions

Worldwalker: 10 decks to test out with the new Runeterra champions


The Worldwalker expansion brought us many new cards, check out some interesting decks with these new...

decks worldwalker expansion lor

Bans in Pioneer and Explorer: Expressive Iteration and Winota

Bans in Pioneer and Explorer: Expressive Iteration and Winota


Expressive Iteration and Winota, Joiner of Forces cards were banned in two formats: Pioneer and Expl...

explorer pioneer winota

Deck Tech: Kennen Ezreal - A lot of burn for just a bit of mana

Deck Tech: Kennen Ezreal - A lot of burn for just a bit of mana

Capitão Serket

The Ezreal Kennen deck is for those who love to get their opponents off guard and deal a lot of dire...

competitive Combo Ionia Piltover

Flesh and Blood Guide for Magic Players

Flesh and Blood Guide for Magic Players

Gabriel Singh

If you came from Magic and need a little help to learn better how to play this wonderful TCG that is...

mtg fab starter blitz tips

Pauper: White Weenie Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: White Weenie Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

White Weenie has been doing good results, let's explore why and find out where its strength in Paupe...

pauper white weenie deck tech

Characters in LoR which are LGBTQIA+

Characters in LoR which are LGBTQIA+

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

Legends of Runeterra has many LGBTQIA+ characters, and, to celebrate Pride Month, I've listed all th...

curiosities lor units

Deck Tech: Rumble Sion Midrange - Survive removals!

Deck Tech: Rumble Sion Midrange - Survive removals!

Capitão Serket

Sion/Rumble is a Midrange list which can deal easily with control lists. So, if removal is popular, ...

competitive Mechas Midrange

Commander Deck Tech: Tasha, the Witch Queen

Commander Deck Tech: Tasha, the Witch Queen

Eduardo Silveira

In this article we will discuss the possibilities of Tasha, the Witch Queen, one of the most iconic ...

edh tasha commander

Get to know the names of all the units which aren't visible inside their Cards

Get to know the names of all the units which aren't visible inside their Cards

Tony Lucas

Though some units have their names written in their cards, not all of them do. In this article you w...

curiosities units lor

Deck Tech: Tempo Pirates - Crush the Meta

Deck Tech: Tempo Pirates - Crush the Meta

Capitão Serket

GP/TF tempo deck is a list that shows up since the beginning of the game, great players dominate thi...

tempo removals pirates

Deck Tech: Akshan Sivir - Foundations of Runeterra

Deck Tech: Akshan Sivir - Foundations of Runeterra

Capitão Serket

Let's get into one of the most consistent lists in Legends of Runeterra, powerful competitively and ...

Midrange Consistent Competitive

Deck Tech: Taliyah   Ziggs - Discover this deck's whole power!

Deck Tech: Taliyah Ziggs - Discover this deck's whole power!

Tony Lucas

A guide on how to play Taliyah Ziggs, the list is focused on landmarks and their destruction. I will...

Competitive Deck Tech Landmarks

Pauper: Mardu Affinity Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Mardu Affinity Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Mardu Affinity, a great option at the moment. Let's see how and why this deck plays well against the...

pauper affinity deck tech

Magic Curiosities: Cards, Abilities, Illustrations, CMC and more

Magic Curiosities: Cards, Abilities, Illustrations, CMC and more

Tabata Marques

Magic is also considered a collector's item. With that in mind, I'm bringing you some curiosities ab...

cmc rarity illustration ability

Hearthstone: How to create and build your own deck

Hearthstone: How to create and build your own deck

Pedro Fernandes

With every expansion start, players around the world create new decks and discover a new meta. In th...

decks hs voyage to the sunken city hs

Quiz: Which MTG Archetype suits you best?

Quiz: Which MTG Archetype suits you best?

Eduardo Silveira

Find out which archetype suits you best in MtG: Aggro, Midrange, Control, Combo.

quiz archetypes mtg

Deck Tech: Senna   Veigar - Absolute Control!

Deck Tech: Senna Veigar - Absolute Control!

Tony Lucas

Even with nerfs, the Darkness deck maintains its strength and consistency. Learn all about the deck ...

deck tech control competitive darkness

Removals and Interactions on Commander: Categories and Utilities

Removals and Interactions on Commander: Categories and Utilities

Vinicius Sorin

Understand the importance and different types of interactions and removals in the format, as well as...

commander removals guide

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