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Felipe Torres
In this Top 10, I evaluate the best Streets of New Capenna cards for competitive Commander!
Top 10 cEDH New Capenna
Wizards has announced a new format in Magic Arena, Explorer. In this article, I explain everything a...
arena explorer analysis
Renato Castro
Does your one shot always end before the expected? Do your players get discouraged or get lost durin...
RPG One Shots Tips
Today, I present some fun and powerful Commander Decks that can be built with up to 10 Tix on Magic ...
Leandro Lopes
This article gathers tips from websites and tools that can help DMs and Storytellers digitally creat...
rpg maps
Pedro Fernandes
In today's article, I'll bring you some tips that many beginners, and even veterans, don't know abou...
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Even though it is one of the main formats of the Neon Dynasty Championship, Alchemy has stagnated in...
Alchemy analysis opinion
Vinicius Sorin
Aesthetics of the playable races from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.
D&D 5th Edition Homebrew
Rules and tips to adapt the world of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty to a Dungeons & Dragons campaign!
Lore RPG D&D
Although it's still early in the season, some strategies are so powerful that it doesn't take long t...
Standard jeskai analysis
Pedro Braga
Powerful as swords, fast as Ninjas: Today I share my thoughts on my Top 5 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty car...
modern top 5 kamigawa
Today I bring my Top 10 cards from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty for Commander!
commander edh kamigawa review
In today's article, I evaluate the ten cards that I consider the most relevant in Kamigawa: Neon Dyn...
analysis standard kamigawa
Many players neglect ping as they think that only internet speed matters. Learn why they are wrong.
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Sometimes, studying too much to get good grades can be a burden and even lead to a burnout. Today, w...
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Video gaming developers offer some of the most sophisticated programs with 3D animations and very fe...
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Per the new law set up in 2019 by the United Kingdom Gambling Commission, players need to procure th...
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New Zealand has become the best place for appreciating online gambling with promotions offers like w...
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