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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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This time we're budgeting the deck of recent champion Ondrej Stráský
deck tech budget
Roger Schola
Put on your Indiana Jones fedora and let's go
deck tech pioneer
Ken Yukuhiro made Top 8 at Mythic Championship V while using Mardu Knights
This deck, if not the strongest, is currently one of the strongest in Arena
Deck Tech
We took a strong deck in the metagame and made it into a more accessible (but still good) one
deck tech
Thiago Fogaça
A throwback to the forts every child made with their pillows and blankets
deck tech cedh
Mono Black decks could be an option for those who want to try this format
MTG on Budget's first article for Cards Realm
opinion deck tech
Following the Throne of Eldraine series
Yesterday we had some 5-0 Pioneer decklists released
The results of the first Pioneer Championship
We have some ideas of decks and cards that are likely to be played
Last week, we talked about the evolution of Storm to Kess, Dissident Mage. This fact intrigued me, s...
Cedh deck tech
I decided to take the Eldraine theme to talk about another king who, in my opinion, translates exact...
We will look at one of the main combos of the format: The Tireless Tribe Combo.
Deck tech
Today I chose Ravnica's dragon: the Izzet leader comes in his Niv-Mizzet version, Parun
Vinicius Sorin
Upgrades for your populate deck!
CEDH C19 Deck Tech