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Magic: the Gathering
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In this article, we present five budget decks to start playing the Standard format in Magic Arena!
Standard Budget Decks
Rodolfo Nogueira
Doctor Who introduces four new Commander decks: Master of Evil (blue, black and red), Paradox Power ...
commander doctorwho decklists
The newest Switch exclusive launched today, and we'll cover lots of information about the game for y...
pikachu switch pokemon lançamento
A long-standing partnership comes to an end: Wizards of the Coast ends its collaboration with Judge ...
WoTC judgeacademy MTG magic
Rodrigo William
See the return of the "Poltergeist" attack, which allows you to reveal your opponent's hand and deal...
Gengar Kanto 151 TCG Poltergeist Attack
Magic: The Gathering meets the classic British sci-fi series Doctor Who with the new MTG Doctor Who ...
mtg doctorwho tardis release
The rumors came true today, October 3, 2023: Living Legend was announced as the new format for Flesh...
FaB LivingLegend Formato
Get to know a decklist with the "151" special set Golem ex. It can fulfill the role of taking damage...
Golem Kanto Tanker Heal 151 TCG
Get to know a rogue deck with Kangaskhan ex, which will be released in the "151" special set. With L...
Kangaskhan Kanto TCG 151
Van Gogh Museum and The Pokémon Company form a partnership to celebrate the museum's 50th anniversar...
pokemon vangogh museu celebracao
With the World Championship over, we have an overview of which strategies succeeded and failed in Ma...
Standard Worlds Metagame
Check out this deck tech with Ninetales ex, from the 151 set, which uses the number of cards in both...
TCG Standard Ninetales Fire Type
With new cards from Wilds of Eldraine, Boros Convoke has gained space in Best of One Standard! In th...
Standard Boros Convoke Best of One Guide
Let See how useful is the "Baby" Dragonite that will come in the especial "151" collection. It offer...
Dragonite Obsidian Flame 151 Kanto TCG
Boros Heroic returned to the Pioneer spotlight after Wilds of Eldraine brought a powerful new additi...
Pioneer Boros Heroic Deck Guide
Return to John A. Hammond's park through new Jurassic Park cards in the new Lost Caverns of Ixalan S...
mtg jurassicpark ghalta commander
Check out in this article the top 10 most expensive cards from the "151" special sub set, with honor...
TCG Kanto Special Sub Set Nostalgia Valua
Tales of Middle-earth returns to Magic with new 4 Boxes and Boosters. Check out the news and unboxin...
MTG LoTR released new