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The return to Dominaria has brought us several new Legendaries to be our Commanders, as well as many...
Dominaria United Pauper EDH
Felipe Torres
In this article, I bring a Review of Dominaria United for casual Commander, talking about where and ...
commander review dominaria united
Eduardo Silveira
An analysis of Dominaria United's preconstructed Commander deck, Painbow, with Jared Carthalion as i...
Painbow Dominaria United Upgrade
Let's take a look at Magic's newest expansion through Legacy's eyes: how will these new cards be rec...
Legacy set review dominaria united
Pauper Commander's regulatory committee has banned Oubliette in the 1v1 variant.
Pauper Commander Duels Ban
In today's article, I evaluate the ten cards that I consider the most important in Dominaria United ...
explorer review dominaria united
Pedro Braga
Dominaria United, brings us wonderful cards for the Modern format. In today's article, we list them...
Modern dominaria united top 5
A selection of the best cards in Dominaria United for Competitive Commander and how they can impact ...
Top 10 cEDH Dominaria United
Dominaria United brings some powerful options to Pioneer, some with the potential to significantly i...
pioneer review dominaria united
Dominaria United brings much new stuff and taking down old sets from the format, with this the entir...
Standard set review dominaria united
Delver, in its various versions, has been the dominant force in Legacy for years. Recently, a versi...
legacy izzet deck tech
A review of the Dominaria United Commander preconstructed deck, Legends' Legacy, featuring Dihada, B...
Dominaria Precon Upgrades
Dominaria United might not be the most impactful set for Pauper, but it definitely brings many usefu...
pauper dominaria united review
In this Commander article, we talk about Magic's most popular archetype, Burn!
Commander burn EDH
In this article, we explore several possibilities for Abdel Adrian, going through different formats ...
abdel arian deck tech
We will discuss some cards that were once essential in the format, but now they have lost their maje...
legacy 10 staples
The Dominaria United Commander / EDH precons feature 1 3-color commander and 1 5-color commander! Sh...
commander edh dominaria
Rodrigo Monteiro
Find out all about the deck that surprised everyone this weekend, Calibrated Blast! And we even incl...
modern calibrated blast budget deck guide