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Rodrigo William
Keep up with a "locker" strategy deck, which means, locking down your opponent's resources, with Noi...
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
The Eternal format is back in the competitive spotlight, and, as a result, we brought you a guide on...
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The Eternal competitive season has started, and today we've brought the best lists to play in the fi...
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Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play with Marincess, the most consistent and versatile Cyberse deck, made up of female ...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Deck Tech
Fernando "Finkel"
In this article, we'll do a brief analysis on the goals of the Lord of the Rings precon deck, and, b...
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Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa has announced he will be joining the Legends of Runeterra team as a game de...
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In this article, we'll briefly analyze a list which inspired a lot of uncertainty among the competit...
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Nat Almeida
Someone expected to see a deck of ninjas and dragons whose commanders are a goblin samurai and a hum...
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They've opened the gates, and Rhinos have escaped from Modern and invaded Legacy! The deck which car...
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Pacto das Guildas
Commander Masters brought new additions to Pauper, and big expectations to change the format. In tod...
Pauper CMM Decks
Learn how to play with the new Salamangreat support cards, with a deck that is, bit by bit, more con...
In a press interview conducted at the Pokémon World Championships, Pokémon TCG dev Atsushi Nagashima...
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On August 7th, 2023, Wizards announced the changes in Legacy: No bannings. Mind's Desire unbanned. W...
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One of the most interesting and complex decks in the Pauper format resurfaces in the metagame with a...
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A short article discussing whether $5 is sufficient to play casino games. It examines the costs asso...
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Discover the thrills of Australia's 21 Dukes Casino! Enjoy an array of games, promotions, and bonuse...
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This article discusses how contemporary gaming halls and iGaming platforms entice big spenders to th...
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A comprehensive exploration of the top online pokies games in Australia, featuring iconic Aussie the...
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