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Legends' Legacy (Dihada): Upgrading Commander precon Deck

Legends' Legacy (Dihada): Upgrading Commander precon Deck

Eduardo Silveira

A review of the Dominaria United Commander preconstructed deck, Legends' Legacy, featuring Dihada, B...

Dominaria Precon Upgrades

Rummikub Review: A game where each round is a challenge!

Rummikub Review: A game where each round is a challenge!

Cesar Cusin

Exercise your brain in every round, strategy will be present in every move, and games will never be ...

rummikub review

Pokémon Sword & Shield Full Art: Top 10 most valuable cards

Pokémon Sword & Shield Full Art: Top 10 most valuable cards

Rodrigo William

See the most valued Full Art cards to date in 2022, ahead of the Lost Origin expansion's release.

PokémonTCG value

Best Staples for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Best Staples for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Diego "Notorius"

Check out a list of the best staple cards right now to use and play Yu-Gi-Oh! at the highest level.

game guide master duel support.

Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format

Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format


We will discuss some cards that were once essential in the format, but now they have lost their maje...

legacy 10 staples

Dominaria United Commander Precon Decklists

Dominaria United Commander Precon Decklists


The Dominaria United Commander / EDH precons feature 1 3-color commander and 1 5-color commander! Sh...

commander edh dominaria

The Winners and Losers of Legends of Runeterra's Patch 3.13 by Region!

The Winners and Losers of Legends of Runeterra's Patch 3.13 by Region!


In this article, I'll gauge the changes according to the regions that were most affected and, throug...

patch breakdown competitive meta lor

Spelljams: A Soundtrack for your D&D campaign!

Spelljams: A Soundtrack for your D&D campaign!

Leandro Lopes

It was released today, and without fanfare, a vinyl record with songs inspired by the D&D Spelljamme...

news music Dungeons & Dragons

Pauper: 3 Lessons the format taught me

Pauper: 3 Lessons the format taught me


In this article, I present three points about competitive Magic and deckbuilding that stand out in P...

analysis pauper lessons

Deck Guide: Bard Illaoi - The Chiming Tentacles!

Deck Guide: Bard Illaoi - The Chiming Tentacles!


In this article I will explain a bit about how to understand, play and dominate the ranked ladder wi...

deck guide competitive bard illaoi

Top 5 Most Complex Magic: The Gathering Keywords

Top 5 Most Complex Magic: The Gathering Keywords

Aurélio Barcelos

In this article, we discuss five of the most confusing keywords in Magic: The Gathering

review keywords complex

Best Ways To Improve Your Studying Skills

Best Ways To Improve Your Studying Skills


Since there is no magic bullet that will magically improve your study skills, there are things you c...

studying improve skills

How to Beat the Odds at Payout Online Casinos

How to Beat the Odds at Payout Online Casinos


Since online casinos have become so popular in the last decade, many people wonder how they can maxi...

odds casino online payout

Bitcoin gambling sites pros and cons

Bitcoin gambling sites pros and cons


Bitcoin can be used for gambling on some casino sites and as with most cases: where there is additio...

gambling bitcoin sites

Benefits of Digital Solutions for Selling and Buying a House Online

Benefits of Digital Solutions for Selling and Buying a House Online


What's powering Digital solutions popularity? Here are some benefits digital solutions offer when bu...

house selling benefit

5 Online Casino Bonuses Beginners Should Look For

5 Online Casino Bonuses Beginners Should Look For


In the world of online casinos, you’re going to hear the term ‘bonuses’ thrown around a lot.

bonuses free

Benefits of Trading Skins on Smaller Marketplaces

Benefits of Trading Skins on Smaller Marketplaces


Before selecting the biggest marketplace for trading, you might want to consider the benefits of tra...

skins csgo trading

How do esports players make money?

How do esports players make money?


Esports players and athletes in classical disciplines have a lot in common. Every player wants to wi...

esports players money

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