Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
One Piece TCG
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In October, Magic will begin its 30th anniversary celebration. In this article, we've listed the mos...
Review Sets Opinion Magic 30
In this article we will talk about card draw in LoR and how this mechanic is distributed across all ...
curiosities ranking competitive
Tony Lucas
The arrival of the new landmark made both champions stronger! Come get to know how this deck works!
competitive decktech tips
With Seasonals getting closer, I bring here the best decks of the season for you all to guarantee yo...
Competitive Ranked Decks
Tiago Fuguete
Sliver, the tribe with the most lords in Pauper is also a strong aggro? Let's compare and talk a bit...
Sliers deck guide pauper
In this article, I explain how Riot Lock works, bring many lineup methods and some tools to help you...
competitive tips lineups
Leandro Lopes
In this article, we have gathered the information we could find about the card game based on charact...
card games news lorcana disney
The Initiative has finally arrived in Magic Online, and its impact on the competitive landscape has ...
Pauper initiative Metagame
With the arrival of equipment, Timelines decks have become popular, but which is the best list? We w...
competitive comparison timelines
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I will present 5 "cheap" decks, for those who want to start in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, a...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Budget Tcg
Felipe Torres
This article brings you the best 15 tutors in the cEDH Metagame currently, ranked by efficiency.
cedh tutors
Learn how to pilot one of the most fun and surprising decks of the expansion! Norra and Maokai have ...
competitive decktech
In this article I bring decks with the new champions that are coming to LoR!
decks competitive lists
With the arrival of LoR's first exclusive champion, a sea of possibilities has opened up. In this ar...
champions theories launches
In this article, I'll gauge the changes according to the regions that were most affected and, throug...
patch breakdown competitive meta lor
In this article I will explain a bit about how to understand, play and dominate the ranked ladder wi...
deck guide competitive bard illaoi
In this article you will learn how to play the strongest meta deck!
Deck Tech Competitive
Shred your enemy’s nexus with the seamstress’ scissors! In this article, I present 5 great options o...
competitive Gwen Decks