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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
One Piece TCG
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Rodolfo Nogueira
Murders at Karlov Manor, in addition to bringing new cards, brought new mechanics and even the retur...
mtg MKM mechanic
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, let's analyze Flesh and Blood's history and try and understand when Power Creep ...
fab20 FaB Lexi Starvo
In today's article, we present five competitive Modern decks for those who want to start in the form...
Modern Decks 2024
Murders at Karlov Manor introduces four new Commander decks: Deadly Disguise (White, Green, and Red)...
karlov tcg commander
Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, following the Murders at Karlov Manor's spoiler season, I'll discuss two cards t...
Pauper MKM MTGKarlov
Riot cuts 11% of its Legends of Runeterra staff, check out the main changes and future of the game!
LoR tcg lol
In this article, we delve into Timeless and five things you need to know before playing Magic Arena'...
Timeless Magic Arena
Marcos Sobral
In today's article, we'll analyze the 2-Player Starter Set, Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG's new product, which was c...
Yu-Gi-Oh Review Starter Set
In today's article, we look at the potential of the newest comprehensive sideboard answer, Pick Your...
Pauper Modern Legacy Spoiler
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
I'm celebrating 4 years since I started creating content for Runeterra. As this has been my life for...
lor content guide
The Murders at Karlov Manor spoiler season has begun! In today's article, I'll discuss Judith, Carna...
Standard Pioneer Explorer Commander MKM
In today's article, we evaluate the potential of Delney, Streetwise Lookout in Standard and Pioneer,...
Spoiler Standard Pioneer:Karlov
Pedro Braga
In this deck tech, we'll explore a budget approach to this Purple and Yellow leader from OP-04, Croc...
decktech onepiece
In today's article, I'll discuss five competitive, upgraded, Explorer decks so you can start playing...
Explorer Pioneer Guide
All cards from the Murders at Karlov Manor's Special Guests series will be available in Magic Arena....
Temeless Arena Spoiler
In this article, we'll see all the 49 cards that only exist in Path of Champions! We also brought a ...
highlight trivia path of champions
The first day of Murders at Karlov Manor previews brought one of the best two-mana counterspells Sta...
Karlov Spoiler Pioneer Standard
Cards Realm
Discover how pioneering free cloud mining platforms are set to revolutionize the world of passive in...
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