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Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, I'll discuss Azorius Control, a deck that has performed well in Standard, and is...
Standard DeckTech Control SideGuide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
Today, we bring you a little bit of a challenge: top 5 most forgotten cards from a region - it's Nox...
opinion Noxus lor
We decided to list down every guardian that also has their own card in Runeterra. After we were told...
trivia lor cosmetics
In today's article, we present a guide to Modern's Domain Zoo, an Aggro deck that has gained popular...
Domain Zoo Modern Deck Guide
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll analyze LSS's decision to change how to qualify for National Championships...
national xp Elo
In today's article, we present a guide to the latest version of Pauper's Jeskai Affinity!
Jeskai Affinity Deck Guide Pauper
Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play with Fire King Snake-Eye, the winning deck at the Undisputed UDS: the most relevan...
Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Tech Fire King Snake-Eye
Nat Almeida
Do you like mysteries? So come check out our summary of MKM's lore and solve the mystery behind the ...
lore summary mkm
We have separated the lineups of the top 8 players from the last Runeterra Open. This was the last e...
noticia lor runeterra hiato
In this article, I listed 10 decks, one for each new card in the variety patch, so you can test them...
guide runeterra standard
In today's article, we evaluate the main winning and losing decks of Pro Tour Murders at Karlov Mano...
Pioneer Pro Tour Review
Wizards announcing it will no longer translate Magic: The Gathering products to Portuguese is the fi...
Magic Brazil Opinion
After disputed finals against Simon Nielsen (Boros Heroic), Seth Manfield (Rakdos Vampires) is crown...
Notícia Pro Tour
Pedro Braga
In this deck tech based on Universes Beyond - Jurassic Park cards, we finally brought Owen Grady and...
decktech commander
Check out the Top 8 Decklists from Pro Tour Murders at Karlov Manor, with 2 Rakdos Vampires, 2 Izzet...
Pro Tour Decklists News
In today's article, we analyze Dimir Reanimator, a strategy that gained notoriety last weekend by us...
Standard Dimir Reanimator Deck Guide
In this quiz, you'll test your LoR knowledge to know how far you've come in the Explorer's Guild! Ar...
quiz runeterra lor
Check out the decklist of all four Universes Beyond: Fallout Commander Precons: Scrappy Survivors, H...
Commander Decklists Fallout