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En la once preguntas de hoy, vamos a entrevistar Brian Lewis más conocido como "The Profesor".Hablam...
Entrevista Lewis arena tolarian
In Today’s Eleven Questions, we interviewed Brian Lewis, better known as "The Professor"! We talked ...
interview Lewis arena tolarian
En el Once Preguntas de hoy, haremos una entrevista a Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa.¡Desplácese hacia aba...
Entrevista PV PVDDR MTG pro Arena
En el analisis de Metagame de esta semana, vamos a ver los resultados de la primera semana después d...
Analisis Metagame Modern Ban Challenge
Kaya y Tibalt están de vuelta en Kaldheim y están más formidables que nunca. Pero también vamos a co...
lore standard kaldheim
Fall From Favor is the third most played card from Pauper in just two weeks, what exactly this could...
Pauper Metagame Monarch Ban
Here I bring my opinion about the problems in WotC's vision that are causing so much upheaval among ...
Modern Legacy Opinion
Power metal songs that explore the tradition of the popular card game Magic: the Gathering
Stores that reach the WPN Premium level by April 7 will be eligible to receive a copy of Secret Lair...
Thiago Fogaça
Following the Throne of Eldraine series
deck tech cedh