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Pacto das Guildas
Pauper has entered its "green era". In today's article, we'll discuss one of the best decks right no...
Pauper DeckTech SideGuide Competitive
In today's article, we provide an overview of Flesh and Blood's Commoner format and the main reasons...
Flesh and Blood Commoner Guide
In this article, we evaluate the decks that benefited most from Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 and which...
Modern Metagame
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
As LoR's July rotation is closer and closer each day, I decided to see which champions should return...
opinion rotation champions
Wizards of the Coast got ahead of themselves again and showed us a bit of the set that will only com...
DSK Modern Standard Pioneer Spoiler
In this article, I'll show you the 5 most popular Elder Dragon decks in Eternal. Even nerfed, this i...
guide eternal decks
Modern Horizons 3 changed Pauper, but not exactly the way we expected: Gruul Ponza completely stole ...
Pauper Deck Tech Sideguide
After a Top 4 full of mirrors between Nadu decks, Simon Nielsen was victorious in Modern's biggest p...
noticia pro tour modern
The first week of this Eternal competitive season has come and gone! So, I decided to bring you the ...
In today's article, we rank the best dual land cycles in Magic: The Gathering!
Dual Lands Top 10
Check out the Top 8 decklists from the Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3, with 4 Bant Nadu, 2 Mono Black Ne...
noticia Pro Tour Top 8 Deckliusts
Nat Almeida
Do you need red card draw for your deck and don't know which cards to use? Check out our top 10!
top draw red mono red
During MagicCon Amsterdam, Wizards announced the newest Magic: The Gathering Core Set - Foundations,...
noticia core set Foundations
In today's article, we cover Mono Black Necrodominance, a new Modern deck which made some impressive...
Modern Mono Black Deck Guide
The Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Metagame has been revealed, with several new decks enabled by the new...
Noticia pro tour modern
Golgari Midrange is one of the best decks in Standard, and really stands out among other midrange de...
Standard DeckTech Competitive Sideguide
We decided to bring you, once a week, 5 rising lists so you can test them out on the ranked queue an...
Daniel Linhares
In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into everything you need to know about Destiny 2 raid boost...