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Magic: the Gathering
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Eduardo Silveira
Let's discuss how we can upgrade the precon commander deck, "Food and Fellowship", with the Hobbits ...
LOTR Food and Fellowship Abzan Food Combo
Pedro Fernandes
The Brazilian Video Games industry is growing exponentially, and that brings countless advantages. I...
games Brazil industry opinion
Discover the noteworthy cards that were downgraded to Common in Commander Masters and that could ent...
pauper common
Charmed stray is the typical drop 1 a white Winnie deck needs. Also, this cat has a lot more history...
Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play with Traptrix, the best budget option for Yu-Gi-Oh! in 2023 and counter to the mai...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Deck Tech
Rodrigo William
Follow the Lapras VMax deck that takes advantage of Blastoise's "Deluge" ability to accumulate as mu...
Expanded Lapras Deck Guide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll analyze each change in Patch 4.7.0. This Patch is one of the most expected pa...
balancing opinion
In this article, you'll have a full recap of this week's Standard Runeterra Royale tournaments, from...
news royale competitive
The first Runeterra Open in the Heart of the Huntress season happened last weekend, July 15th and 16...
news competitive open
Meet the deck that came second in the last International of this first semester. Ian Robb showed the...
Duraludon Umbreon Columbus Deck Guide
Follow the metallic elephant of the Galar region, as a well-forgotten card, for a well-optimized ver...
Copperajah Expanded Deck Guide
Pacto das Guildas
Rakdos Scam got a huge upgrade with Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth and became one of the m...
Modern Deck Guide Rakdos Scam
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, I bring you a Classic Constructed tech deck from the Empress version of Dromai, ...
Dromai CC Deck Guide
July 15th's Runeterra Open is coming and, as usual, I bring to you my guide for lineups which will p...
guide competitive runeterra open
Cards Realm
This article explores how Australian Crypto Casinos are taking advantage of the Crypto Gaming Revolu...
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Gambling is a complex human behavior that involves taking risks with the hope of gaining a reward. T...
gambling brain risk table games
Online gambling is evolving with new technologies and innovations taking center stage. Players can e...
online gambling virtual reality bitcoin
An informative article discussing the safety of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for children. Exploring it...
hyperbaric terapy oxygen safe children