

How Themed Casino Games are Appealing To More Traditional Gamers

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In the earlier days of casino games, we had simple and plain titles. For example, if you wanted to play roulette, it was just “roulette.” There wasn’t much of lightning, speed, or any other form of themed roulette—it was just plain and simple. And we could say the same for other casino games.

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But today, there’s just so many themes of the same game, offering every form of variety.

The only exception that has always had a theme is slots. From its inception, it has had one theme or the other, but it wasn’t as pronounced as it is today. Now, we have more interesting mixes, which begs the question, why?

If you’ve also been fascinated by it, today is your lucky day because we are giving you answers. We’ll show you the ways themed casino games are appealing to more traditional gamblers.

Good Sense of Variety


Let’s face it—no matter the title, some casino games are just the same and there is nothing the developers can do about it. Take for example, slot games. No matter how a provider brands it, the underlying gaming mechanism remains the same—spin some form of reel and wait for a result to come up.

So, if you argue that it is some sort of psychological thing, you are not entirely wrong. No matter how identical slot games are, the themes just break that mental barrier for you, making you see it as something different. Now, we have themes like:

● Pirates

● Egyptian

● Fruits

● Horror

● Sports

● And many, many more

We should also add that beyond the mental variety that a theme brings, there’s actually a form of difference. It is not like developers just copy and paste the same game, changing the colors and expecting you to play.

For instance, there are bonus rounds and mini games in slots and they usually take after their themes. So, if you are playing a pirate-themed slot, the bonus round can be on a villain’s ship with you fighting to capture it—you get the idea!

Attention Grabbing

If you’ve met a traditional gamer before, you’ll know that they are not easily impressed by plain things. Most times, they like the flashing colors and different styles. You can see this in their gaming setups with RGB lightning and the likes. And at the same time, as more US states are legalizing online gamblinglink outside website, they want to explore beyond their regular computer games to try something different. That is why casinos and developers are evolving to appeal to them too.

With themes like retro, which is not too far from gaming themes, they get something very similar to what they are used to.

So, from a marketing perspective, it favors the casino brands. And from the player perspective, it makes the gaming experience more satisfying.

Emotional Attachment

We see this play out with casino games that take their themes after movies and the entertainment industry in general. Sometimes, players may not necessarily like a game for what it is but rather for what it stands for.

For instance, King Kong is a well-known name in the entertainment industry. Even if you’ve never seen the movie, you’d at least know that the name is associated with a massive monster gorilla.

At the same time, there are several casino games (mostly slots) that take after this movie theme. While many may not play the game for what it is, all they know is that they like King Kong. And by extension, they like everything that is associated with King Kong!

We also see this same thing play out with slots that take their themes after personalities and celebrities like Gordon Ramsey. Everyone wants to see the angry cook and how he lashes out in the game!

Brand Identity

The gambling industry is a highly competitive one and it's so difficult to stand out, especially for brands that haven’t been there for decades. Basically, you have to do what appeals to players, but different from a way that another brand has done so. That is why beyond games, we now see casinos themselves having standout themes. Themed casino games have a form of “brand identitylink outside website” that make them stand out from the crowd so well.



Certain games have retro or historical themes and you can’t help but feel some sort of nostalgia while playing. It’s like it triggers a memory. And that’s the point! The developers want to appeal to that nostalgic feeling to keep you coming back for more. Some may take the fantasy theme of games like battlegroundslink outside website, allowing you to feel like you are playing it and embarking on your own epic quest.

Unifying Traditional and Modern Gambling

So, beyond the aesthetics, you can see the implication of themed casino games. They are there for several reasons and one of the key factors is bridging the gap between traditional and modern gambling. That is why playing some games gives you that feeling of “a blast from the past.” Theme makes everybody feel very involved and so far, the strategy is working!