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Pauper's new golden Quarter: an introduction to Qualifiers and Showcases!

Pauper's new golden Quarter: an introduction to Qualifiers and Showcases!


With huge events taking place between September and December, Pauper will have a great end of the ye...

analysis tournament competitive Pauper

Decklists for Standard 2022

Decklists for Standard 2022

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks a bit about Standard 2022 and some of its trending decklists.

standard2022 arena aggro control

Analysing Standard decks with Adventures in the Fogotten Realms

Analysing Standard decks with Adventures in the Fogotten Realms

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks about the most prevalent decks of the format and decks that has ascended with Adv...

standard afr

Pauper Commander analysis for Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Pauper Commander analysis for Adventures in the Forgotten Realms


In this article, I review some of the legendary uncommons from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms fo...

Pauper edh afr decklist deck

Analysing the Commander Decks from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Analysing the Commander Decks from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Felipe Torres

This article brings an anlysis regarding the preconstructed Commander decks from Adventures in the F...

d&d commander edh

Metagame: The first week of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Metagame: The first week of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms


In today's article, we'll analyze the first week of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms on the Constr...

analysis metagame standard modern legacy

Historic Review: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Historic Review: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Thiago NileDeath

Today's article analyzes Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and its impact in Historic.

historic review arena d&d

Top 5 Modern cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Top 5 Modern cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Pedro Braga

Take a look at the best new cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms for your Modern deck!

modern afr review d&d

Legacy Set Review: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Legacy Set Review: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

João Carvalho

In today's article, we are going to discuss some cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms that ...

review AFR legacy MTG joaocarvalho

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Pioneer Review

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Pioneer Review


In today's article, I analyze Adventures in the Forgotten Realms for Pioneer.

pioneer review d&d

Commander decklists for set Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Commander decklists for set Adventures in the Forgotten Realms


The new set decklists present four new commanders and strong cards that may see play in eternal form...

edh commander afr

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander Review

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander Review

Felipe Torres

Today I present you my review of the most powerful and curious cards from Adventures in the Forgotte...

review edh d&d commander

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Standard Review

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Standard Review

Thiago NileDeath

Today's article analyzes the cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms for Standard!

standard arena d&d review

All cards from set Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

All cards from set Adventures in the Forgotten Realms


All cards in the new set Adventures in the Forgotten Realms have just been revealed! Let's take a lo...

standard spoiler afr

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Pauper Review

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Pauper Review


Analysing the new cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and its possibilities for Pauper.

analysis d&d pauper review

Penny Dreadful Meta Analysis + PD500 coming soon!

Penny Dreadful Meta Analysis + PD500 coming soon!


As we approach the end of the season, let's see how the format is doing, which decks are most presen...

mtgo penny budget

Exploring Dungeons and rolling D20 dices on Forgotten Realms' Draft

Exploring Dungeons and rolling D20 dices on Forgotten Realms' Draft


First impressions of the Adventures in the Forgottem Realms mechanics and its impact on Draft and Se...

mtg limited d&d draft

Good Morning Magic releases previews from Forgotten Realms' Commander Decks!

Good Morning Magic releases previews from Forgotten Realms' Commander Decks!


The Good Morning Magic show introduced the four Commander Deck commanders and some abilities we'll s...

news commander d&d

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