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Pauper: White Weenie Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: White Weenie Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

White Weenie has been doing good results, let's explore why and find out where its strength in Paupe...

pauper white weenie deck tech

Pauper: Gruul Ponza Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Gruul Ponza Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Today, we'll analyze Gruul Ponza in Pauper and how this deck is thriving in a Metagame filled with i...

pauper ld ponza gruul deck tech

Pauper: Mardu Affinity Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Mardu Affinity Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Mardu Affinity, a great option at the moment. Let's see how and why this deck plays well against the...

pauper affinity deck tech

Standard: Esper Midrange Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Standard: Esper Midrange Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Thiago NileDeath

We will talk in detail about Esper Midrange, the good stuff of the format and has several synergisti...

standard esper deck tech

Removals and Interactions on Commander: Categories and Utilities

Removals and Interactions on Commander: Categories and Utilities

Vinicius Sorin

Understand the importance and different types of interactions and removals in the format, as well as...

commander removals guide

Pauper: Jeskai Ephemerate Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Jeskai Ephemerate Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Jeskai Ephemerate is the deck that has the answer to everything in the format! Let's see how it resp...

pauper jeskai.ephemerate deck tech sideboard

Standard Set Review: Streets of New Capenna

Standard Set Review: Streets of New Capenna

Thiago NileDeath

This article brings an analysis of the best cards from Streets of New Capenna for Standard, and how ...

standard new capenna

Pauper: Rakdos Burn Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Rakdos Burn Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Rakdos Burn is one of the most fun decks at Pauper! Let's talk about it and present a deck tech and ...

pauper rakdos deck tech

Draw Effects in Commander: Categories and Utilities

Draw Effects in Commander: Categories and Utilities

Vinicius Sorin

Understand the different card draw effects in Commander and their utilities.

Commander Multiplayer

Pauper: Boros Synthesizer Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Boros Synthesizer Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Boros Synthesizer is possibly Pauper's best deck today! Let's talk about its game posture, how to si...

Boros Deck Tech Pauper

HS: Interview with Páscoa, first Brazilian to go to the World Championship

HS: Interview with Páscoa, first Brazilian to go to the World Championship

Pedro Fernandes

"Páscoa" was the first Brazilian to triumph at Hearthstone Grandmasters, the player will also repres...

Hearthstone interview pascoa World

D&D 5th Edition & Pathfinder 2nd Edition: Which one is the best?

D&D 5th Edition & Pathfinder 2nd Edition: Which one is the best?

Renato Castro

The greatest names in medieval fantasy step into the ring in this article. Find out who wins in the...

RPG D&D Pathfinder Dungeons & Dragons

D&D 5th Ed: Base Classes - Origins & References Guide

D&D 5th Ed: Base Classes - Origins & References Guide

Renato Castro

Discover the origins and inspirations of the 13 base classes of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition in th...

RPG DnD D&D Dungeons & Dragons Classes

MTGO Commander: Budget Decklists for under 10 tix

MTGO Commander: Budget Decklists for under 10 tix


Today, I present some fun and powerful Commander Decks that can be built with up to 10 Tix on Magic ...


Pioneer: Cards that got better with Lurrus' ban

Pioneer: Cards that got better with Lurrus' ban


In today's article, I review some cards (or card cycles) that get better with the absence of Lurrus ...

Pioneer ban lurrus

Modern: 8 Cards that got better with Lurrus' ban

Modern: 8 Cards that got better with Lurrus' ban

Gabriel Nunes

With the Companion banned, today we are going to see some cards that may be better positioned in the...

modern lurrus metagame

D&D 5th Edition: The Past, Present and What to expect from the Future

D&D 5th Edition: The Past, Present and What to expect from the Future

Renato Castro

Dungeons & Dragons is going through the most considerable changes and controversies of the last deca...

RPG DnD D&D Dungeons & Dragons

CoinFlip CS GO is the best way to replenish your inventory

CoinFlip CS GO is the best way to replenish your inventory


Using resources that offer Coin Flip CS GO opportunities, you can get good benefits. To start winnin...

Cs csgo coinflip

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