Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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This Wednesday, June 7th, just a few months before Lorcana's release, a lawsuit was issued, demandin...
news lorcana disney lawsuit
The Archfiend Alteration is a new archetype that appeared this weekend, at the Regional Championship...
Archfiend Alteration Explorer Deck Guide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss the most played list in the Eternal Format, Nasus Thresh. This deck h...
guide decktech eternal
Pacto das Guildas
Standard has finally been the target of the Wizards' hammer and Fable of the Mirror-Breaker, Reckone...
Standard Metagame Decklists
Rodrigo William
Get to know the Dracozolt VMax deck, where it has the role of using counterattack of damage received...
PokémonTCG Counter Dracozolt
In a surprising move, one of the largest Korean Pokémon tournaments disqualified all of its Top 4 fi...
news pokémon competitive
This article provides a comprehensive guide to Poison Storm. It includes deck tech, sideboard strate...
Pauper guide
Pedro Braga
Sultai has always been considered a strong color match and prone to aggressive combos. In this artic...
Commander Deck Tech Zimone & Dina
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we're going to discuss the last new hero of Outsiders with a deck tech from a pr...
Deck Tech Blitz Arakni
It appears that the rarest MTG card in perhaps ever is already damaged, as noted by fans.
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One more competitive event down, and more to come! Check out here the meta, Top 8 and their decklist...
news competitive fab
Discover the deck of Canadian champion Landen Kaetler, who participated in the Portland Regional in ...
PokémonTCG Portland Champion
Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival brings some interesting exile shenanigans. Check out what this deck is...
Commander Deck Tech Pia Nalaar Boros
In this article, I'll be enhancing the lists which were freely given in the store, with the Patch 4....
guide upgrade decks beginners
Boros Convoke was Pioneer's big trend this week. In today's article, we analyze the deck and present...
Boros Convoke Deck Guide Pioneer
Understand the Pure Paladin deck and learn how to get the most out of your cards! With no nerfs sche...
Deck Guide Standard Pure Paladin
Cards Realm
Looking for a way to keep you and your family entertained on your next road trip? Check out our top ...
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This article provides a checklist of important steps to consider before downloading a mobile betting...
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