Magic: the Gathering
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Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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In today's article, I list five mistakes commonly made when building a decklist from scratch, and ho...
deckbuilding analysis
Pedro Fernandes
In today's article, I'll bring you some tips that many beginners, and even veterans, don't know abou...
tips hs decks hs arcane dus legend hs
After two days, the Top 8 of the Neon Dynasty Championship is set. Check out each competitor's Alche...
news top 8 neon dynasty
Vinicius Sorin
An article about what a Commander needs to have to be playable and how many cards it needs. A simple...
commander casual
Felipe Torres
Today's article brings a deck tech for Zaxara, the Exemplary, and commander with interesting abiliti...
edh commander deck tech
One of War of the Spark's most unwanted artifacts has become an archetype centerpiece in Pioneer. T...
Pioneer Deck Tech Combo
A chaotic deck for those who like Storm and get some good laughs off the table.
Commander deck tech kamigawa
In today's article, we analyze the Naya Runes, which stands out for a powerful synergy between creat...
analysis standard deck tech
The metagame has changed a lot with the new mini-set in Hearthstone. See the 4 decks that are bringi...
standard Legend topdecks
Although it's still early in the season, some strategies are so powerful that it doesn't take long t...
Standard jeskai analysis
The Druid has been standing out as a great aggressive class. Today you will see tips, game posture a...
top deck aggro druid standard legend
Gabriel Nunes
Today we'll present ten Modern decks with Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cards, which has just arrived and a...
Kamigawa decks modern
Check out the decklists of the four new Challenger Decks: Mono-White Aggro, Dimir Control, Gruul Sto...
news standard challenger deck
On February 18, Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty will introduce two new Commander decks: Power Up with Kotori,...
edh commander
Today let's talk about Dredge's current version, a deck that is stiill pretty famous among its enthu...
modern dredge mtg sideguide
Selesnya Ramp was one of several decks that reappeared after the recent bans. In today's article, we...
standard selesnya ramp deck tech
In this article, we'll talk about how to assess a card's playable quality, one of the most crucial s...
commander edh
In today's article, we dissect the Mono-Black Devotion that won the Pauper Super Qualifier, which to...
pauper mono black deck tech