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Azorius Control is a Pioneer mainstay, appearing among the most played decks in the format. In today...
Pioneer Deck Guide Azorius Control
Star Wars: Unlimited is a new Trading Card Game, set in the Star Wars universe. It offers an immersi...
news tcg star wars
A restaurant in Japan just announced an exclusive menu item inspired by the famous franchise Yu-Gi-O...
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The new Pokémon series, Pokémon Horizons, has just shown us a sneak peek of what is inside a Poké Ba...
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Fans throw suspicion over new Secret Lair artworks; Check out here who was the victim this time.
news artwork mtg
The new Universes Beyond product for MTG, inspired by Doctor Who, was just revealed at MagicCon Minn...
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March of the Machine: The Aftermath is a mini-set that works as a kind of “expansion” of the main se...
Standard MTGMAT Review
After a discovery made on Reddit earlier this week, Legends of Runeterra reportedly and allegedly ha...
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The March of the Machine: Aftermath set has just been revealed, and many players were confused as to...
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The Pro Tour: Baltimore is here! Check out here which lists made it all the way to Top 8 in the Pro ...
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These prestige competitions are one of the many ways to get yourself a spot in the World Championshi...
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Several rare cards are up for sale, including a few Power Nine cards from MTG. Other iconic Pokémon ...
news pokemon mtg market
A Pokémon store in Japan has banned adults from buying a portion of their stock. The measure is repo...
news pokemon store market
March of the Machine brought great additions to Pioneer and Explorer. In this article, we'll be look...
Pioneer Decklists MTGMOM
Pikachu is once again the main character in a new line of plushies, but this time, no two Pikachu ar...
news pokemon pikachu
With the first financial quarter of 2023 passed, Hasbro has released some of its numbers and reports...
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These two giant toy-makers have set aside their west/east cost rivalry to bring new products mixing ...
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March of the Machine was barely here when the following set which would conclude the storyline, Marc...
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