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Timeless: 5 Decks with Outlaws of Thunder Junction to try out!

Timeless: 5 Decks with Outlaws of Thunder Junction to try out!


In today's article, we present five Timeless decklists with cards from the new Magic expansion, Outl...

Timeless Decklists Outlaws

Commander Review: Best Cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction

Commander Review: Best Cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction


In today's article, we'll analyze the best cards from the newest Magic: The Gathering set, Outlaws o...

commander best cards edh

Pauper: The Best Cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction

Pauper: The Best Cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction

Pacto das Guildas

Outlaws of Thunder Junction is coming! In today's article, I'll analyze the best common cards from t...

Pauper OTJ Review

Explorer: The 10 Best Outlaws of Thunder Junction Cards for the Format

Explorer: The 10 Best Outlaws of Thunder Junction Cards for the Format


In today's article, we evaluate the ten best cards and Outlaws of Thunder Junction for Magic Arena's...

Outlaws Review Explorer

Top 5 Most Forgotten Ionia Cards (Which You've Probably Never Seen!)

Top 5 Most Forgotten Ionia Cards (Which You've Probably Never Seen!)

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

This is another article in the series covering "forgotten cards which you've probably never seen", i...

opinion ranked lor

Standard Review: Outlaws of Thunder Junction!

Standard Review: Outlaws of Thunder Junction!

Pacto das Guildas

In today's article, I'll analyze the new Magic: The Gathering set, Outlaws of Thunder Junction, and ...

Standard OTJ Review

Top 10 Best Floodgates in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG

Top 10 Best Floodgates in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG

Marcos Sobral

In this article, we'll present the top 10 best floodgates in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG!

Yu-Gi-Oh Floodgate Top 10

Pioneer Set Review: Outlaws of Thunder Junction

Pioneer Set Review: Outlaws of Thunder Junction


In today's article, we review the best cards from Magic's new expansion, Outlaws of Thunder Junction...

Outlaws Pioneer Review

Top 5 Most Forgotten Shadow Isles Cards (which you've probably never seen!)

Top 5 Most Forgotten Shadow Isles Cards (which you've probably never seen!)

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

This is another article in the series covering "forgotten cards you've probably never seen". In thes...

opinion ranked lor

Timeless: 10 Best Cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction

Timeless: 10 Best Cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction


In today's article, we rank the ten best cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction and its sub-sets, Th...

Timeless Review Outlaws

Modern Review: 10 Best Cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction

Modern Review: 10 Best Cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction


In today's article, we review the ten best cards from Magic's hundredth expansion, Outlaws of Thunde...

Outlaws Modern Review

Top 5 Most Forgotten Freljord Cards (Which You've Probably Never Seen!)

Top 5 Most Forgotten Freljord Cards (Which You've Probably Never Seen!)

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

This is another article in the series covering "forgotten cards you've probably never seen". Today, ...

opinion ranked lor

Pauper: Mono Blue Faeries - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Mono Blue Faeries - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pacto das Guildas

Pauper's metagame has changed a lot since Commander Legends. In today's article, I'll discuss a deck...

Pauper DeckTech SideGuide Competitive

Modern: Esper Reanimator - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Modern: Esper Reanimator - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


In today's article, we delve into the new variant of Goryo's Vengeance decks in Modern, the Esper Re...

Modern Esper Reanimator Deck Guide

Standard: Is Grixis Midrange Still an Option?

Standard: Is Grixis Midrange Still an Option?

Pacto das Guildas

Grixis Midrange was one of the best decks in Standard last year, but, since then, its popularity wen...

Standard DeckTech SideGuide Competitive

All 4 Outlaws of Thunder Junction Precons Commander Decklists

All 4 Outlaws of Thunder Junction Precons Commander Decklists


Check out the complete decklists of the Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander precons: Desert Bloom,...

Decklists Outlaws Commander

Pauper: Boros Synthesizer - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Boros Synthesizer - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide


In today's article, we explore the new Boros Synthesizer variant, with the addition of Novice Inspec...

Pauper Deck Guide Boros Synthesizer

Spoiler Highlight: Gold Pan and Reckless Lackey in Pauper

Spoiler Highlight: Gold Pan and Reckless Lackey in Pauper

Pacto das Guildas

Keeping up with the Outlaws of Thunder Junction spoiler season, in today's article I'll discuss two ...

Pauper OTJ Competitve Preview

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