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Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
Are you lost with the new cards? Let me help you! In this article, I've collected 10 lists for you t...
guide news
Pacto das Guildas
Phyrexia: All Will Be One brought good additions to Explorer. In this article, I will explore five c...
Phyrexia Explorer MTGArena
Rodrigo William
Discover the single prize spread deck featuring Sun/Moon's Weezing with additional Sword/Shield Poké...
PokémonTCG Spread Damage Weezing
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I present the five best decks of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG in February/March 2023 format. C...
Yu-gi-Oh! Best Decks February 2023
Cephalid Breakfast is a Legacy old-timer who got revamped thanks to a few additions on the past year...
Legacy Cephalid Breakfast Combo
Meet Lance's Charizard deck, which, taking advantage of Ludicolo + Moltres's 100 damage increase str...
PokémonTCG Lance Charizard
The competitive circuit carries on, and Auckland's Calling, in New Zealand, brings a new aspect to t...
news fabtcg aucklan tournament competitive
Raphael Martinez
We will talk about the Gruul Midrange or Gruul Vehicles, trying to understand which are the best gam...
Pioneer Gruul Deck Guide
Modern was forever changed with the Horizon sets. Since then, players fear seeing their decks invali...
Modern Horizons Decks
Meet this water deck using Blastoise & Piplup Tag Team-GX, which thanks to Ludicolo, your damage can...
Pokémon Expanded Blastoise
Ice Rider Calyrex-VMax is one of the main attackers in the deck, along with Suicune-V, and to stream...
Pokémon TCG Calyrex Blastoise
Gabriel (Raj)
Today we'll talk about Hammer Time its Azorius version, an aggro-combo deck that scares the opponent...
Hammer Time Azorius Deck Guide
Benton Madsen made history when he arrived at the Pro Tour Phyrexia finals in his first participatio...
Pioneer Selesnya Auras Deck Tech Pro Tour
Get to know one of the most durable Pokémons from Expanded: Incineroar from the Sword/Shield: Silver...
PokémonTCg Inineroar Expanded
The Phyrexia Pro Tour happened over this weekend, from the 17th to the 19th, in Philadelphia! 217 pl...
news pro tour competitive pioneer
For years, Griselbrand was the absolute lord of the Reanimator. But now, at least in the Dimir versi...
Legacy Atraxa Reanimator
Atraxa, Grand Unifier has impacted all competitive formats. In this deck, she teams up with Soulflay...
Atraxa Pioneer Soulflayer Deck Guide
Mono Anivia Control comes back at full force to the meta after the addition of a new card to its arc...
control Anivia lategame