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LoR: Master in Standard in 3 Days - Decks Used and Meta Analysis!

LoR: Master in Standard in 3 Days - Decks Used and Meta Analysis!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, I'll tell you about my journey from Platinum to Master in 3 days. I'll show you eac...

guide runeterra ranked standard

Legacy: No Changes in the Format - What Does This Mean?

Legacy: No Changes in the Format - What Does This Mean?


Amidst the confusion created by the bans announced for Modern and Pioneer, Legacy remained untouched...

legacy ban metagame

Pioneer: Deckbuilding with Smuggler's Copter

Pioneer: Deckbuilding with Smuggler's Copter


Two days after the Smuggler's Copter unban announcement, Pioneer leagues are flooded with decks test...

Pioneer Unban Copter Metagame

Review: December 4 Bans on Pioneer, Modern & Pauper

Review: December 4 Bans on Pioneer, Modern & Pauper


In today's article, we review the changes and impact that the December 4th banned and restricted upd...

Banlist Review Metagame

Pioneer: Discover Combo and the new threat to the Metagame

Pioneer: Discover Combo and the new threat to the Metagame


The Discover ability brought a new one-card combo to Pioneer. In this article, we evaluate how this ...

Pioneer Discover Combo

Analysis: Eternal Weekend Legacy Prague

Analysis: Eternal Weekend Legacy Prague


Let's take a look at one of the largest Legacy tournaments of 2023! Held in Prague, 713 players gath...

legacy eternal weekend metagame

LoR's Standard Format - Metagame Report: Returning After Two Weeks!

LoR's Standard Format - Metagame Report: Returning After Two Weeks!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss everything that happened in Standard's meta while we were all playing...

guide standard metagame

One Piece TCG: About Bans, Restrictions, Cancel Announcements & the Current Meta

One Piece TCG: About Bans, Restrictions, Cancel Announcements & the Current Meta

Renan Menezes

In this article, we'll discuss the bans and restrictions that were announced on November 11th, their...

Bans Restrictions ST10 OP05

Poros Decklists: Analyzing Different Meta Versions

Poros Decklists: Analyzing Different Meta Versions

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss two Poro lists that have a rising play rate on the ranked queue. I'll...

spotlight poros standard

The Concept of "Metagame" in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG and its Competitive Importance

The Concept of "Metagame" in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG and its Competitive Importance

Marcos Sobral

In this article, you'll find out what is a metagame, how it works and how important it is for Yu-Gi-...

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Metagame

Guide: How To Prepare Yourself to Play a Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Tournament

Guide: How To Prepare Yourself to Play a Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Tournament

Marcos Sobral

In today's article, I'll tell you what you need to do to participate in a Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG tournament, ...

yu-gi-oh! tcg meta call

Standard: The Winning & Losing Decks from the 2023 World Championship

Standard: The Winning & Losing Decks from the 2023 World Championship


With the World Championship over, we have an overview of which strategies succeeded and failed in Ma...

Standard Worlds Metagame

Standard: World Championship Metagame Analysis

Standard: World Championship Metagame Analysis

Pacto das Guildas

The 29th Magic World Championship started this weekend. In today's article, I'll analyze this compet...

mtgworlds standard analysis

Standard: Wilds of Eldraine's First Week

Standard: Wilds of Eldraine's First Week


Check out, in this article, the main new decks that have shown up at competitive tournaments in the ...

Eldraine Standard Metagame

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Las Vegas and U.S. Nationals Decklists, Metagame and more!

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Las Vegas and U.S. Nationals Decklists, Metagame and more!


The U.S. National Championship brought many surprises to the surface for competitive players!

news competitive fab

Card Highlight: All That Glitters in Pauper

Card Highlight: All That Glitters in Pauper

Pacto das Guildas

Commander Masters arrives with several interesting downgrades for Pauper. In today's article I'll ta...

pauper spoiler metagame

Legacy Decks Tier List: The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth

Legacy Decks Tier List: The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth


The Lord of the Rings has arrived and left its mark on Legacy. How did the format's Metagame look af...

Legacy Metagame Review LotR

5 games that will hit metal fans in 2023

5 games that will hit metal fans in 2023

Cards Realm

Rock on with 2023's top 5 metal-inspired games. From intense battles to musical challenges, these ga...

video game online casino

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