Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
One Piece TCG
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
The new expansion, Heart of the Huntress, is here! I've brought you 10 lists to test out on the firs...
guide new set decks
In this article, we highlight the main Lord of the Rings cards that appeared in this weekend's big M...
Modern Metagame LotR
Rodrigo William
See the list of the 10 most expensive cards of the Paldea Evolved expansion, the second expansion of...
Paldea Evolved Finance Top 10
In this article, we'll assess and grade all new cards from the new expansion, "Heart of the Huntress...
news guide new set
Pedro Braga
In this article, we will discuss the "Protection" mechanic, learning about interactions with this ke...
Protection Keyword Guide
The Riders of Rohan have arrived in Legacy! In the name of the Monarch, they will take the Initiativ...
Legacy boros initiative eorlingas lotr
Lux is a great champion for beginners because she uses relics which are easy to get, has a simple pl...
TPoC champion guide lux
Lucas Felix
In this article, we will explore the strengths of Alesha, Who Smiles at Death, looking for the stron...
Deck Tech Commander Alesha
Meet the Togekiss VMax deck, a Pokémon with excellent HP, free retreat, and low cost of energy to de...
PokémonTCG Expanded Togekiss VMax
This article takes a look at Paupergeddon Pisa Tournament, exploring the meta and the decks that ove...
Pauper Paupergeddon LOTR
Nat Almeida
Token deck with plenty of dinosaurs and vampires? Please! Check out an unusual union between tribes ...
Commander Deck Tech Ghalta and Mavren
Nidalee gets an incredible redesign for the new expansion, "The Heart of the Huntress", alongside a ...
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This article examines the Pauper format and the forgotten archetypes that need more support. It look...
Pauper Mtg Forgotten Archetypes
Marcos Sobral
Check out the new Yu-Gi-Oh deck! TCG, Vanquish Soul, which promises to annihilate its opponents and ...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Vanquish Soul Deck Guide
This article provides an overview of the top 10 sports to bet on, featuring easy to identify winning...
best sports bet winner
Explore these amazing casino resorts from around the world, offering luxurious amenities and thrilli...
casino resort luxurious destination
Cards Realm
A guide for gamers to decorate their room with unique gaming-inspired pieces. Ideas and tips on how ...
games furnish computer
This article provides an easy-to-follow guide to improving your gaming experience. Learn how to get ...
gaming experience equipament