Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
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Pedro Fernandes
Are you starting in the world of FPS? Check out today's article and see everything you need to know ...
CSGO How to play guide
Rodrigo William
Follow this deck using another Amazing Rare card from the Shining Fates collection and see the poten...
pokémontcg yveltal deck tech
Tiago Fuguete
Is Mono White Heroic a deck to have fun with, or can it still stay strong in the format? Let's asses...
pauper heroic deck guide
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I will introduce you to the basics of Chain Link and SEGOC in Yu-Gi-Oh!, as well as...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Ruling
In addition to the new mechanics and interactions, catch up on the latest releases of the Sword & Sh...
Sword & Shield Standard Expansions
Everything about the new "ex" card mechanics that were unveiled at the London World Cup, which will ...
new mechanic tcg2023 guide
Here are 10 most valuable Shiny Pokémon cards so far in 2022, since the beginnings of Pokémon expans...
Pokémon shiny top 10
See here the somewhat exotic idea of building a themed deck only with Charizards released in the Swo...
Standard Charizard
Tabata Marques
Are you just starting to play and would like to have company? Or moved to a new city and don't know ...
guide wpn arena mtgo
See the most valued Full Art cards to date in 2022, ahead of the Lost Origin expansion's release.
PokémonTCG value
Rodrigo Monteiro
Get to know everything about one of the most interesting decks in Modern, Urza Affinity!
affinity modern urza deck guide
Diego "Notorius"
Check out a list of the best staple cards right now to use and play Yu-Gi-Oh! at the highest level.
game guide master duel support.
Watch the powerful and destructive Radiant Charizard in all of its splendor, dealing an incredible 2...
Pokémon TCG standard deck tech
Eduardo Silveira
In this article, we explore several possibilities for Abdel Adrian, going through different formats ...
abdel arian deck tech
Come check out the list of this Pokémon with great potential since its launch in Shining Fates and t...
Pokémon Standard Reshiram Deck
Come check out this aggressive Mewtwo V-Union deck, breaking out of control strategy, and seeing it ...
mewtwo standard deck tech aggro
Find out all about the deck that surprised everyone this weekend, Calibrated Blast! And we even incl...
modern calibrated blast budget deck guide
Leandro Lopes
It was released today, and without fanfare, a vinyl record with songs inspired by the D&D Spelljamme...
news music Dungeons & Dragons