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Fans noticed incredible printing errors in Phyrexia: All Will Be One oil slick raised alter cards, w...
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Rafael de Melo
In today's article I analyze the new Outsiders set with its new mechanics, heroes and its impact on ...
Outsiders Review Flesh and Blood
Atraxa has found yet another home in the Legacy. Sneak n' Show is another archetype that gained an e...
Legacy Deck Tech Sneak Attack Show & Tell
Rodrigo William
Check here the most valuable Gold Full Art cards of the Sword & Shield block for investments in comp...
PokémonTCG Sword&Shield
Find out how much you know about The Legend of Vox Machina with these 10 questions!
Vox Machina RPG Quiz
In a recent interview on The Runeterra Report YouTube channel, Legends of Runeterra devs Gregg Travi...
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss the Singleton format, which will be played in the next Daily Rumbles ...
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Wizards has announced new bans on Legacy, but who wins and who loses with these changes?
Legacy Bans Delver Initiative
Follow the analysis of the best cards from the first Sub Set of Scarlet & Violet: Triple Beat, evalu...
PokémonTCG Triple Beat Standard
For International Women’s Day, we conducted and compiled a series of interviews with influent women ...
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Nat Almeida
This is another special article to celebrate International Women's Day, and in it, you'll find 5 wom...
Commander Female
The latest development in competitive play for Flesh and Blood, the Battle Hardened: Charlotte, evol...
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Let's celebrate International Women's Day by talking about the story of 8 female characters who star...
Magic Women Story Lore
A new addition to the Yu-Gi-Oh!TCG policy includes clauses against transphobia and anti-vax stances.
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After breaking several sales records in Europe and topping the Toys Property rankings, Pokémon TCG w...
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There are hundreds of online casinos in Canada, and choosing one can be challenging. Find out what a...
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ZA/UM Studio developed the independent role-playing game Disco Elysium. Disco Elysium was a hit, eve...
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Casino carpets are notorious for their gaudy designs and colors. This article explores the possible ...
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