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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, I'll tell my story of how I got to Top 16 in the Runeterra Open April 15th and 16th...
report open meta competitive
The record for highest number of attendees in Pokémon history might have been broken! The Pokémon Eu...
news pokémontcg tournament competitive
Rafael de Melo
In today's article we're going to elaborate on the new Assassin, Uzuri, how to play with it, its mec...
Uzuri Flesh and Blood Blitz FaB
In this article, you'll learn everything about the Runeterra Open competitive meta for this weekend,...
guide lineup competitive open
Tony Lucas
For the first time, I reached the highest Marvel Snap ranking, and I'm going to share the decks I us...
Competitive Marvel Snap Infinite Rank
Pedro Fernandes
What most excites Fortnite players are partnerships with anime and other games, which yield beautifu...
Fortnite Collabs Crossovers
Felipe Torres
This article features a selection of the best possible March of the Machines cards for Competitive C...
cEDH March of the Machines MTGMOM Review
Legends of Runeterra is letting players vote on their new card. The "Community Card Kitchen" is a gr...
news lor new card devs custom card
Dereck Duque Estrada
In this article, we'll discuss the main archetypes and mechanics of March of the Machine, as well as...
Limited Mom Draft Guide
Are you curious to know which character from the world of Runeterra shows up the most in LoR cards, ...
curiosity lor art
Apparently, the rumors about the downfall of Undercity decks were unfounded. If you can't be Mono Wh...
Legacy Initiative Deck Guide
Find out why Samira Fizz's win rate is so low, even though it is an extremely strong list. You'll le...
guide samira fizz lor deck guide
In this article, I'll explain how the Legends of Runeterra competitive ecosystem works, and how that...
guide competitive lineup
Urabrask is one of the most talked about cards in March of the Machine. In today's article, we explo...
Spoiler Urabrask Metagame
Basic Energy Cards, Card Border Colors, and Parallel Foil Cards, among others, were altered! Even a ...
news pokemon new rarity system styles
Everything you need to know about Hit-Monkey to get him off to a good start in the game's new season...
Hit-Monkey Decks
Yu-Gi-Oh!’s 25th Anniversary Competitive Events have begun! To celebrate the Anniversary, we went ba...
News yugioh competitive decks
Battle, the new card type in Magic: the Gathering, is finally here! Understand how this new permanen...
Battle March of the Machine Review