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A Beginner's Guide to Pokémon Unite

A Beginner's Guide to Pokémon Unite

Divinity Of Philosophy

With its arrival to mobiles, Pokémon Unite has exploded in popularity in the last week. In this arti...

mobile pokemon unite

Pirates Aggro Deck Tech - From beginners to masters

Pirates Aggro Deck Tech - From beginners to masters


Pirates Aggro is a deck that has dominated the meta in several seasons, and even in those where it d...

decktech pirates aggro guide

Modern: Jeskai Phoenix's Faithful return

Modern: Jeskai Phoenix's Faithful return

Gabriel Nunes

A new addition from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt might bring Arclight Phoenix back into the competitive ...

modern phoenix challenge

All SR/HR/UR cards from Fusion Strike - The last Sword and Shield set

All SR/HR/UR cards from Fusion Strike - The last Sword and Shield set

Divinity Of Philosophy

Check out all the art of the rarest cards of Fusion Strike, set that will be released in November th...

Fusion Strike Sword Shield Special Hiper

Future Predictions for Victorious Skins in Legends of Runeterra

Future Predictions for Victorious Skins in Legends of Runeterra


Riot Games, with their great experience in the gaming business, knows more than anyone the importanc...

skins predictions limited victorious

Pauper EDH - Innistrad: Midnight Hunt's five best commanders!

Pauper EDH - Innistrad: Midnight Hunt's five best commanders!


In this Article, I analyze the best commanders at Innistrad: Midnight Hunt for Pauper EDH

pdh analysis review

Modern: Azorius Spirits and its new additions

Modern: Azorius Spirits and its new additions

Gabriel Nunes

Today, we'll analyze the new cards from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and how they might work on Spirits.

modern spirits innistrad

See all decklists from the 16 players in Runeterra World championship

See all decklists from the 16 players in Runeterra World championship

Divinity Of Philosophy

There are 48 decklists divided into 16 line-ups that will be used in the biggest Legends of Runeterr...

decklists lineup top16 worlds

How Beyond the Bandlewood is impacting Legends of Runeterra

How Beyond the Bandlewood is impacting Legends of Runeterra


In this article, we will discuss how the randomness present in Beyond the Bandlewood is impacting Ru...

Runeterra competitive bandlewood

Vampires in Magic: Origins and History

Vampires in Magic: Origins and History


With one more return to Innistrad, some creatures are back in evidence. Today we're going to learn m...

vampires lore innistrad

Modern: Izzet Tempo and Topdeck consistency

Modern: Izzet Tempo and Topdeck consistency

Gabriel Nunes

Today, we'll present a detailed vision of one of the most important decks in Modern today: Izzet Tem...

izzet modern metagame

Modern: Dimir Mill and the well-done support

Modern: Dimir Mill and the well-done support

Gabriel Nunes

We take a closer look at one of the decks that is gaining more new features to conquer space in the ...

modern mill metagame

10 new decks with Beyond the Bandlewood's Champions

10 new decks with Beyond the Bandlewood's Champions


The metagame after "Beyond the Bandlewood" hasn't been stabilized yet, so this is the best time for ...

decks runeterra lor bandlewood

Throwback Magic: Gabriel Nassif Standard/2009 Cruel Control deck

Throwback Magic: Gabriel Nassif Standard/2009 Cruel Control deck


In this article, which seeks to bring an analysis of decks that made history in Magic, we analyze th...

Analysis throwback nassif decktech

9 Historic Decklists with JumpStart: Historic Horizons

9 Historic Decklists with JumpStart: Historic Horizons

Thiago NileDeath

We'll talk about updated lists with Jumpstart that are being used and have the potential to become e...

historic jumpstart decklists

Modern: Mono-Green Tron and Timing

Modern: Mono-Green Tron and Timing

Gabriel Nunes

Tron is back into the Modern metagame. Today, we'll explore how it got back into the Challenges and ...

modern tron metagame

Zombies on Magic: History, Lore and Decks

Zombies on Magic: History, Lore and Decks


Let's get to know a little more about the Zombies, a remarkable Magic tribe, which has a history ins...

zombie lore history tribal

Explaining Legends of Runeterra's Archetypes

Explaining Legends of Runeterra's Archetypes


In this article, I'll explain in a simple way how Legends of Runeterra's archetypes works and help y...

archetypes lor aggro midrange control combo

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